Set up cost-effective innovative sensor networks that can be financed by climate services built on top of these networks.
Transformative new methods to measure five essential hydrological variables (rainfall, soil moisture, river flow, bathymetry) at less than 10% of current costs. These reduced costs are essential to have real business models for services that cover the costs of building and operating the networks. The five essential variables will be available through GEOSS.
Seven new sensing methods have been introduced in Africa. The innovation does not focus only on moving up the Technology Readiness Levels of new measuring methods but, especially, on the usefulness and practical applicability of these methods in specific contexts. The direct linkage of sensors and new value-creating services is part of this innovation because this is essential for long-term financial sustainability. New services assimilate in situ and satellite data in numerical models to make optimal use of the strengths of different sources of information.
Six SMEs, three universities, two NGOs, and one meteorological agency. Network of 600+ ground weather stations in Africa, providing ready-to-use technical infrastructure. Well-balanced and well-integrated task distribution.
Ambition contributes directly to call
Long-term ambition
The success of TEMBO Africa will invit repetition of the proposed model, with in situ data feeding value-creating services that will ensure continued financial resources, branching out to different countries and environmental variables beyond water. We will break the vicious cycle of reduced investments leading to less service leading to fewer investments and, instead, build a virtuous cycle in which improved services attract additional investments.
[‘TEMBO’ is the Swahili word for ‘elephant’, the iconic animal of the African savannah with extraordinary sensing abilities, such as the ability to observe rainfall at >100km through infrasound.
This project has received funding from the European Horizon Europe Programme (2021-2027) under grant agreement n° 101086209 (TEMBO Africa).
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